Home Restaurant services Weddings Weddings at Stara myslivna
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Fast Contact

Stará Myslivna
Konopiště 2
256 01 Benešov
Tel. reservations:
+420 317 700 280
Fax Office:
+420 317 701 804
E-mail: myslivna@igcpraha.cz


IGC - International Gurman Club s.r.o.
Jahodnická 20/795
198 00 Praha 9
Tel.: +420 281 865 445
Fax: +420 266 610 855
E-mail: igc@igcpraha.cz
Please note that there is no smoking inside the entire restaurant. Smoking is only permitted in the outdoor gardens.

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Weddings at Stara myslivna

The Stará myslivna restaurant is simply perfect for wedding banquets, lunches and receptions in the beautiful setting of a fairy-tale castle surrounded by untouched nature. The restaurant’s themed environment guarantees unique memories of this unique life experience. The tables are arranged in the shape of a U with the bride and groom situated in the centre right under the trophy of a bear, with a well-arranged seating order for the wedding guests. The restaurant personnel make sure all the playful Czech wedding traditions are in place for the newlyweds, such as sweeping up together and eating dumpling soup together with a holey spoon. You can put together a special wedding menu according to your every wish with any number of courses. Of course there will be a cake created by the pastry-chef at Stará Myslivna just as the bride and groom like it. The restaurant interior with a trophy and artistic decorations guarantee truly wonderful photographs from this step in your life. If the wedding party chooses the option of lunch at Stará Myslivna after the ceremony followed by a wedding reception at the Hunting Lodge, they are taken to the lodge by an original train. The wedding reception can then continue in the undisturbed environment of the woods at the Hunting Lodge, only one kilometre away from the restaurant. ( For more information see the section on the Hunting Lodge.)


Každý pátek 19 – 22 hod.
Od 18.10.24 do 11.4.25
a čtvrtek 12. a 19. 12. 24




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Operating Hours

PO-ČT od 11.00h. do 21.00h.

PÁ-SO od 11.00h. do 22.00h.

NE od 11.00h. do 21.00h.